ID 946 - Lactobacillus acidophilus LA14

PL: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA14
EN: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA14
Pdf: various food(s)/food constituent(s) not supported by pertinent human data

1.9. Ochrona przed patogenami pochwowymi przez zwiększenie ilości bakterii kwasu mlekowego i/lub zmniejszenie ilości potencjalnie patogennych bakterii i/lub drożdży (ID 946)

The claimed effect is “urogenital tract/natural vaginal defence”. The Panel assumes that the target population is the general female population.
From the clarifications provided by Member States, the Panel assumes that the claimed effect refers to defence against vaginal pathogens by increasing the number of lactobacilli and/or decreasing potentially pathogenic bacteria and/or yeasts.
Unlike any other anatomical site of the body, most vaginal vaults are dominated by one or more species of Lactobacillus. In over 70 % of women, vaginal microbiota is dominated by lactobacilli (> 50 %) (Ling et al., 2010; Ravel et al., 2011; Yamamoto et al., 2009). This microbiota is different from the more complex gut microbiota, where lactobacilli represent less than 3 % of the bacterial population (Franks et al., 1998; Lay et al., 2005; Sghir et al., 2000). The diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV) is currently based on Nugent score (microscopic examination of Gram stained smear or vaginal discharge for bacteria and „clue‟ cells). Nugent scores are classified into normal (0-3, lactobacilli are present, but not Gardnerella/Bacteroides or curved Gram-negative bacilli), intermediate (4-6, colonisation by Bacteroides/Gardenella and curved Gram-variable rods (Mobiluncus)), and BV (7-10, BV with domination of Gardnerella/Bacteroides or curved Gram- negative bacilli and absence of that lactobacilli).
The Panel considers that defence against vaginal pathogens by increasing the proportion of lactobacilli and/or decreasing the proportion of potentially pathogenic bacteria and/or yeasts is a beneficial physiological effect.

2.9. Ochrona przed patogenami pochwowymi przez zwiększenie ilości bakterii kwasu mlekowego i/lub zmniejszenie ilości potencjalnie patogennych bakterii i/lub drożdży (ID 946)

The references provided in relation to this claim were a narrative review which did not provide any original data which could be used for the scientific substantiation of the claim, and a study which assessed the effects of food(s)/food constituent(s) other than the food constituent for which the specific claim is proposed. The Panel considers that no conclusions can be drawn from these references for the scientific substantiation of the claim.
No human studies which investigated the effect of the food constituent on the proportion of lactobacilli and/or potentially pathogenic bacteria and/or yeasts in the vagina were provided in relation to the claim evaluated in this section.
The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of the food constituent which is the subject of the claim evaluated in this section and defence against vaginal pathogens by increasing the proportion of lactobacilli and/or decreasing the proportion of potentially pathogenic bacteria and/or yeasts.

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

at least 1x109 cfu/day