ID 4220 - Owoce

PL: Owoce
EN: Fruits (fresh, frozen, canned, bottled, dried, juiced)
Pdf: fruits

Oświadczenie (2)

1.4. Biodostępność antocyjanin z czarnej porzeczki (ID 4220)

The claimed effect is “Les antioxydants du cassis (anthocyanines) sont assimilés par l'organisme. Ils sont ensuite excrétés dans les urines”. The Panel assumes that the target population is the general population.
The Panel assumes that the claimed effect refers to the bioavailability of the food constituent (“anthocyanins in black currant”).
Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 defines health claims made on foods as “any claim that states, suggests or implies that a relationship exists between a food category, a food or one of its constituents and health” (Article 2.5), whereas that “the nutrient or other substance for which the claim is made is in a form that is available to be used by the body” (Article 5.1(c)) is a general condition for all claims.
The Panel considers that the claim refers to the bioavailability of the food constituent rather than to a relationship between the food constituent and health as required by Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

Fruit entier en purée ou en jus