ID 3087 - Płyn do nawadniania o zmniejszonej osmolarności zgodny z rekomendacjami WHO/UNICEF

PL: Płyn do nawadniania o zmniejszonej osmolarności zgodny z rekomendacjami WHO/UNICEF
EN: Oral rehydrating solution with decreased osmolarity composed according to WHO/UNICEF recommendations - ORSALIT
Pdf: various food(s)/food constituent(s)

1.19. Leczenie biegunki i/lub wymiotów (ID 3087)

The claimed effect is ―ORSALIT is given in order to supplement liquids and mineral components during diarrhoea and/or vomiting‖. The Panel assumes that the target population is individuals who are suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting.
The Panel assumes that the claimed effect is related to treatment of a disease (diarrhoea and/or vomiting).
The Panel considers that the claimed effect is related to the treatment of a disease and does not comply with the criteria laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

"• The rules regarding ORSALIT usage comply with WHO/UNICEF recommendations. The frequency, day dosage and amount of time for usage ORSALIT depend on age, body weight and hydration phase • ORSALIT is dedicated to infants, children and adults • ORSALIT should be taken with a physician prior in case of diarrhea and/or vomiting • ORSALIT does not contain milk protein, lactose or gluten • The product can't be administered parenterally • ORSALIT should not be administered to children without body dehydration • Infants below 6 months and children prone to allergies should receive ORSALIT without flavors "