ID 301 - Cynk

PL: Cynk
EN: Zink
Pdf: zinc

Oświadczenie (4)

Oświadczenie (2)

1. Charakterystyka żywności / składnika

The food constituent that is the subject of the health claims is zinc, which is a well recognised nutrient and is measurable in foods by established methods. Zinc occurs naturally in foods and is authorised for addition to foods (Annex I of the Regulation (EC) No 1925/20066 and Annex I of Directive 2002/46/EC7). This evaluation applies to zinc naturally present in foods and those forms authorised for addition to foods (Annex II of the Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006 and Annex II of Directive 2002/46/EC).
The Panel considers that the food constituent, zinc, which is the subject of the health claims, is sufficiently characterised.

2.4. Utrzymanie prawidłowego osoczowego stężenia testosteronu (ID 301)

The claimed effect is “required to maintain an optimised hormonal environment that supports muscle growth”. The Panel assumes that the target population is the general population.
In the context of the clarifications provided by Member States, the Panel assumes that the claimed effect is related to serum testosterone concentrations.
The Panel considers that maintenance of normal serum testosterone concentrations is a beneficial physiological effect.

3. Naukowe uzasadnienia wpływu na zdrowie człowieka - 

Zinc is present in all tissues. It has essential structural, regulatory or catalytic roles in many enzymes. It maintains the configuration of a number of non-enzymatic proteins such as pre-secretory granules of insulin, some mammalian gene transcription proteins and thymulin. It facilitates hormone and receptor binding at membrane and nuclear levels, and it may maintain integrity of biomembranes. Consequently zinc participates in gene expression and in the mechanisms and control of major metabolic pathways involving proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids (SCF, 1993; DoH, 1991). Human zinc deficiency symptoms include retarded growth, depressed immune function, skin lesions, skeletal abnormalities, impaired reproductive ability and behavioural abnormalities such as changes in mood, loss of affect and emotional lability, anorexia, dysfunction of smell and taste, irritability and depression (SCF, 2003; EVM, 2002, Cousins, 2006).

3.3. Utrzymanie prawidłowego osoczowego stężenia testosteronu (ID 301)

An important class of “zinc finger” transcription factors is the steroid/thyroid receptor superfamily, which is responsible for mediating the biological response to a wide range of hormonal and metabolic signals (Freake, 2006). Low dietary zinc status has been associated with low circulating concentrations of several hormones including testosterone (IoM, 2001; Freake, 2006).
The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has been established between the dietary intake of zinc and maintenance of normal serum testosterone concentrations. However, the evidence provided does not establish that inadequate intake of zinc leading to impaired maintenance of normal serum testosterone concentrations occurs in the general EU population.

4.3. Utrzymanie prawidłowego osoczowego stężenia testosteronu (ID 301)

The Panel considers that the following wording reflects the scientific evidence: “Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal serum testosterone concentrations”.

5. Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

The Panel considers that in order to bear the claim a food should be at least a source of zinc as per Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. The target population is the general population. Such amounts can be easily consumed as part of a balanced diet. Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) have been established for zinc in children, adolescents, adults, pregnant and lactating woman (SCF, 2003).

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

Minimum of 10.4 mg zinc per day Must meet minimum requirements for use of the claim "source of [name of vitamin/s] and/or [name of mineral/s])" as per Annex to Regulation 1924/2006. Agency guidance for supplements is that products containing >25mg zinc should carry the label statement: 'Long term intake [of this amount of zinc] may lead to anaemia.'