ID 2773 - Wyciąg z nasion brokułów zawierający sulforafan

PL: Wyciąg z nasion brokułów zawierający sulforafan
EN: Broccoli seeds and broccoli seed extracts with sulforaphane
Pdf: various food(s)/food constituent(s)

1.7. Zapobieganie lub leczenie raka gruczołu krokowego (prostaty) (ID 1859, 2773)

The claimed effects are ―sexual organs and/or hormone activity‖ and ―santé de la prostate‖. The Panel assumes that the target population is adult males.
In the context of the proposed wordings or the clarifications provided by Member States, the Panel assumes that the claimed effect refers to prostate function. Prostate function is not sufficiently defined. From the references provided, the Panel assumes that the claimed effect is related to prevention or treatment of prostate cancer.
The Panel considers that the claimed effect is related to the prevention or treatment of a disease and does not comply with the criteria laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

Graines et extraits de graines de brocoli / équivalent de 100 à 500 mg de sulforaphane par jour