ID 1859 - Izoflawony sojowe, likopen, cynk, selen, witamina D, witamina E, witamina C

PL: Izoflawony sojowe, likopen, cynk, selen, witamina D, witamina E, witamina C
EN: Soy isoflavones + lycopene + zinc + selenium + vitamin D + vitamin E + vitamin C
Pdf: various food(s)/food constituent(s)

1.7. Zapobieganie lub leczenie raka gruczołu krokowego (prostaty) (ID 1859, 2773)

The claimed effects are ―sexual organs and/or hormone activity‖ and ―santé de la prostate‖. The Panel assumes that the target population is adult males.
In the context of the proposed wordings or the clarifications provided by Member States, the Panel assumes that the claimed effect refers to prostate function. Prostate function is not sufficiently defined. From the references provided, the Panel assumes that the claimed effect is related to prevention or treatment of prostate cancer.
The Panel considers that the claimed effect is related to the prevention or treatment of a disease and does not comply with the criteria laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006.

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

Preparation with 2.5 g/100g, 40 mg/day of isoflavones, 93.8 mg/100g, 1.5 mg/day of lycopene, 938 mg/100 g, 15 mg/day of zinc, 3125 µg /100g, 50 µg/day of selenium, 313 µg/100 g, 5 µg/day of vitamin D, 625 mg/100g, 10 mg/day of vitamin E and 3750 mg/100 g, 60 mg/day of vitamin C. The amount and quality of microbial flora in the gut can affect the usefulness of the isoflavones.