ID 1538 - Fosfagen

PL: Fosfagen
EN: EAS Phosphagen HP
Pdf: various food(s)/food constituent(s) not supported by pertinent human data

1.5. Zwiększenie wydolności fizycznej (ID 472, 543, 1403, 1538, 1539, 3127)

The claimed effects are “endurance, enhanced carbohydrate delivery to muscle”, “endurance performance and increases carbohydrate availability”, “muscles/increase in performance”, “enhancing training volume and intensity”, “increasing exercise thresholds”, and “adaptogen, supports energy level, invigoration of the body, supports immune system”. The Panel assumes that the target population is adults performing endurance exercise.
In the context of the proposed wordings, the Panel assumes that the claimed effects refer to an increase in endurance performance. Endurance performance relates to the ability to complete certain tasks with higher intensity, faster, or with a higher power output when performing long-term exercise.
The Panel considers that an increase in endurance performance is a beneficial physiological effect.

1.8. Wzrost wytrzymałości (ID 1537, 1538)

The claimed effects are “increasing work capacity”, and “enhancing training volume and intensity”. The Panel assumes that the target population is adults performing endurance exercise.
In the context of the proposed wordings, the Panel assumes that the claimed effects refer to an increase in endurance capacity. Endurance capacity refers to the exercise time to self-reported fatigue when exercising at a constant workload or speed, generally at intensity <80 % maximum O2 consumption.
The Panel considers that an increase in endurance capacity is a beneficial physiological effect.

2.5. Zwiększenie wydolności fizycznej (ID 472, 543, 1403, 1538, 1539, 3127)

The references provided in relation to these claims were monographs and narrative reviews which did not provide any original data for the scientific substantiation of the claims or addressed health outcomes (e.g. antioxidant activity, immune parameters, blood flow) unrelated to the claimed effect, studies which assessed the effects of food constituents other than the food constituent(s) or the specific combinations which are the subject of the claims on measures of endurance performance, and/or investigated health outcomes (e.g. rate of exogenous carbohydrate oxidation, muscle strength) other than endurance performance. The Panel considers that no conclusions can be drawn from these references for the scientific substantiation of the claims.
No human studies which investigated the effects of the food(s)/food constituent(s)/combination of food constituents on measures of performance during endurance exercise were provided in relation to any of the claims evaluated in this section.
The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of the food(s)/food constituent(s)/combination of food constituents which are the subject of the claims evaluated in this section and increase in endurance performance.

2.8. Wzrost wytrzymałości (ID 1537, 1538)

The references provided for the scientific substantiation of this claim included a number of human intervention studies which investigated the effect of food constituent(s) other than the specific
combination of food constituents which is the subject of the claims. The Panel considers that no conclusions can be drawn from these references for the scientific substantiation of the claim.
No human studies which investigated the effects of the specific combination of food constituents on an increase in endurance capacity were provided in relation to any of the claims evaluated in this section.
The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of the combination of food constituents which is the subject of the claims evaluated in this section and increase in endurance capacity.

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

The product must contain at least 5 gram creatine monohydrate, 1 gram taurine and 33 grams dextrose and 1.6 grams beta-alanine per serving Claim to be used for foods for active individuals