ID 1457 - Beta-alanina

PL: Beta-alanina
EN: Beta alanine
Pdf: beta-alanine

Oświadczenie (2)

1. Charakterystyka żywności / składnika

The food constituent that is the subject of the health claims is beta-alanine, which is a naturally occurring dispensable amino acid in which the amino group is at the β-position from the carboxyl group. Beta-alanine is synthesised in vivo by the degradation of dihydrouracil and carnosine. It is a component of the naturally occurring peptides carnosine and anserine and also of pantothenic acid. Beta-alanine is the rate-limiting precursor of carnosine. Beta-alanine can be provided in solution or as powder in gelatine capsules, and can be measured in food by established methods.
The Panel considers that the food constituent, beta-alanine, which is the subject of the health claims, is sufficiently characterised.

2.3. Zwiększenie ilości karnozyny w mięśniach (ID 1457, 1458)

The claimed effects are “beta-alanine increases muscle carnosine stores” and “beta-alanine increases muscle carnosine stores in fast twitch muscle fibres”. The Panel assumes that the target population is the general population.
The Panel considers that the evidence provided does not establish that an increase in muscle carnosine stores is a beneficial physiological effect.
The Panel concludes that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of beta-alanine and a beneficial physiological effect related to an increase in muscle carnosine stores.

Warunki i możliwe ograniczenia stosowania oświadczenia

Minimum of 3.2g beta alanine per day for 4 weeks (based on Harris et al. 2006)